The one thing you can say about New Orleans is that you can find something to do! If you’re bored, that’s on you!
New Orleans has some incredible museums – many that even locals aren’t familiar with. Here is our current list of every museum in New Orleans that we could find!
The Historic New Orleans Collection
Southern Food and Beverage Museum & Museum of the American Cocktail
Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience
New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum
Confederate Memorial Hall Museum
Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden
Mardi Gras Museum of Costumes and Cultural
McKenna Museum of African American Art
Lower Ninth Ward Living Museum
Free People of Color Museum – Le Musée de f.p.c.
New Orleans African American Museum
Algiers Folk Art Zone + Blues Museum
Arnaud’s Germaine Wells Mardi Gras Museum
American Italian Cultural Center
National Shrine of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
The Great American Alligator Museum
Bevolo Gas & Electric Light Museum
Museum of Trade, Finance, and the Fed
Bywater Museum of Unnatural History
Katrina National Memorial Museum
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