Being a good neighbor goes further than just lending someone some sugar and watering their plants while they are out of town. We think that knowing your neighbors, and at least being cordial, is the key to a great neighborhood too. I mean, it is New Orleans, you’re going to have at least say hello and give that “how ya doing baby?” every now again. But let’s talk about what it really is to be a good neighbor.
Property Lines
Shocker. In New Orleans, most of us are encroaching on our neighbor’s property line. And you can’t make anyone tear down an existing shed.
How do you handle the property line then?
Well, you kind of don’t. Since there is nothing you can do about moving a building, all you can do is roll with the punches. There is no need to start a war over a structure that has been there for 40+ years.
If you’re overly concerned about property lines because you’re building a fence or having a tree issue – then our solution is to get a survey done. They cost about $1500 but will settle once and for all where your property line is.
If you want to find out if a survey was done on your property already, read your act of sale that may reference it, or ask the title company who handled your sale.
This brings us to the topic of fences. In many areas of the city, the lines get blurry when it comes to property lines. As mentioned above, we suggest getting a survey done on your property and figuring out where you truly stand.
Once you know that info, erect that fence you’ve been vying for! Like a good neighbor, I would let them know what your intentions are. Go talk to your neighbor and say “hey! I wanted to get a new fence put up, so I’m getting a survey done so we know where each side is.”
Be cool about it and you will experience far fewer problems. The reason we say to talk to them ahead of time is that you may find out, part of their fence is on your property. You can have it taken down and replaced with your new fence – but have a conversation to keep the peace.
Yes. We are in New Orleans. But many of us have day jobs and things to get up for in the morning.
If it’s 3 am and you’re having a Prince dance party on your front porch with the music blasting – it’s rude. Take it inside where the sound can at least be muffled.
Trash cans
Trash cans are not worth getting into a neighborhood war over. Be a good neighbor and don’t steal other people’s garbage bins. It’s not cool.
Also, don’t dump your dog poop and open food into someone else’s can. They may not be in town and it’s going to be filled with maggots when they return.
(The people who get mad just because a neighbor drops some trash from their hand into their can – y’all gotta get a life.)
Any of us who live in a neighborhood with no off-street parking understands the value of parking in front of your home. Don’t be a jerk and park in front of your neighbor if you have space in front of your house. It’s an unspoken rule.
Also, those dead vehicles that no longer work – don’t leave them in prime parking locations while you get around to tinkering with it. Find another place to park it.
Lastly, don’t block off parking spaces with trash cans and/or cones. Unless there is a mobility issue, your friend can walk a block.
If your tree is a problem for all your neighbors, get it trimmed back and keep up with it. Your neighbor has every right to trim it back off of their property – and don’t be offended by it.
Food for thought, if a tree falls on a neighbor’s house, it’s your responsibility.
Be a good neighbor. Pick up after your dogs. Enough said.
Pulling your neighbor’s trash can back up when it’s left in the middle of the street. Sharing the bounty of your fruit trees. Asking if you can partake in their fruit tree bounty. Checking on an elderly neighbor. Not picking your neighbor’s flowers. Acknowledging your neighbor’s existence. Dropping off a casserole in a time of need. Helping with hurricane prep.
It all comes down to be a good person and a good neighbor. Take care of each other and spread some love.
Let’s find you some good neighbors. Schedule a meeting to find your new home!