Category: Lifestyle

Paint it Blue

    If I ask you to close your eyes and picture your dream porch. What does it look like? Got a picture in your head? Here’s mine, it’s big wrap-around porch with rocking chairs, beside at least one of the rockers is a lazy dog, there are hanging Macho Ferns, a cat sleeping on… Read more »


New Orleans Farmer’s Markets: 2019

  HELLO NEW ORLEANS! The summer heat is upon is us and this is when many of us opt for fresher, lighter fares. One of the best ways to get more greens and locally sourced food is to head to a farmer’s market. New Orleans has farmer’s markets all over the metro area and one… Read more »


How to Prep for Hurricane Season in New Orleans

  June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season! Anyone in New Orleans who lived here during Hurricane Katrina immediately has their PTSD flare-up. If you’re wondering how to prep for hurricane season in New Orleans – you’re in the right place. Whether you are new to New Orleans or born and bred, hurricane preparation… Read more »


How to Recycle in New Orleans

  New Orleans should kind of be ashamed of themselves with how much waste we make. We measure the success of Mardi Gras by how much trash we produce – which, TBH, is sad. What we need to do is look at are more sustainable ways to do business. Many local bars and restaurants have… Read more »


Is Marijuana Legal in New Orleans?

  Is marijuana legal in Louisiana? Is marijuana legal in New Orleans? People ask this all the time since we have very lax drinking laws in New Orleans.   Marijuana is not yet legal in New Orleans for recreational use. With a prescription, you can partake.   Marijuana is legal ONLY with a prescription in… Read more »


So Fresh and So Clean!

    The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, you know what that means… SPRING! With the beauty of spring comes a great challenge…SPRING CLEANING! We know it can be overwhelming, but we are going to break it down AND even tell you where you can donate. But first let’s PREP:… Read more »


New Orleans Schools: Where, When, and How

  The New Orleans school system is much different in the post-Katrina world we are living in. Gone are the days of going to the school closest to your house. How does it work now? Ask ten different parents, and you will get ten different responses. After much research, your New Orleans real estate agents… Read more »