The Lower Garden District, aka the LGD, is a neighborhood loved by many in New Orleans. Flanked by the Garden District and the Warehouse District neighborhoods, the Lower Garden is filled with lots of different characters. Service industry, younger and older professionals, families, and people who have been in the same house since birth. The LGD will surprise and delight you around every corner!
Check out the top 5 reasons to call it home!
Reason #1 to live in the LGD: The Walkability
Whether you are in search of a burger, coffee, a cocktail, a little shop, or a park – the Lower Garden District has all of these things!
Tie up your laces and easily take a stroll over to Juan’s Flying Burrito, the Half Moon Bar, Hi Volt Coffee, and Coliseum Square within a few minutes. Magazine Street has had a slew of new places open up too.
Since the LGD isn’t that big, it’s not hard to change locations on a whim! The ease of walking around this neighborhood is what keeps locals living here for decades on end.
Reason #2 to live in the LGD: The Neighborhood Feel
If you want to live in an area where you know your neighbors, the Lower Garden is definitely going to appeal to you.
With a super active neighborhood association and friendly folks abound, you won’t be a stranger long.
If you’re new to New Orleans, make sure you say hello back – otherwise, you’re considered rude.
Reason #3 to live in the LGD: The Architecture
If you’re a fan of architecture, you’re going to be quite pleased with the LGD.
Greek Revivals, Center Halls, single and double shotgun homes can all be found while you stroll the streets of this neighborhood. Double gallery homes line Magazine Street. Italianate and Queen Anne styles are tucked in the area too. Most of the construction took place in the 19th century.
PRO TIP: Don’t forget to pass by St. Mary Assumption and St. Alphonsus churches – they are iconic to the area.
Reason #4 to live in the LGD: Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras, in my opinion, is always better if you have a bathroom within a couple of minute’s walk. The awesome thing about living in the LGD is that you will!
When I lived in the Lower Garden, I always knew when it was time to head out to the parade route because I could hear the bands starting from blocks away. If you’re the type who loves to camp out early for the parades, living here makes it even easier for you.
PRO TIP: Avenue Pub is the spot to see all your neighborhood friends on the parade route.
Reason #5 to live in the LGD: Convenience Factor
The Lower Garden is one of the easiest neighborhoods to get in and out of. (Which cannot be said for all neighborhoods of New Orleans!)
Hop on the interstate in a flash, jump over the West Bank to visit your mama and dem, get on a streetcar to head downtown, or take your bike Uptown – whatever your mode of transportation or place to get to, the LGD is a great spot for getting anywhere.
If you don’t have a bike, it’s not a problem here. There are many Blue Bike stations found on the streets of the Lower Garden.
If you’re ready to call the LGD home, text or email us!