Welcome to Hot Hoods – where we tell you what the hottest neighborhoods of New Orleans were for the past month! This is the September 2024 edition.
Single-Family Homes
0-$100k: 11 sales total; Algiers was by far the top dog, with over half of them!
$100k-$200k: 22 sales; New Orleans East had the most sales. This is also HALF the number of sales in this price range from last year!
$200k-$300k: 28 sales; Gentilly had the most sales, which again was half the sales from last September.
$300k-$400k: 19 sales; Gentilly was also the winner here.
$400-$500k: 17 sales; Lakeview was the hottest spot this month! (Again, half the amount of sales from the year prior)
$500-$750k: 18 sales; Lakeview and Mid-City tied this up!
$750k-$1M: 7 sales; Bayou St. John had 3 of these sales
$1M & Up: 14 sales; Audubon was the winner here, and surprisingly, this was the same amount of sales as September 2023. The highest sale was 3.3M at 5027 Dryades.
Orleans parish saw a 33% decline in single-family home sales from September 2023. New Orleans real estate is definitely in a buyer’s market right now!
Multi-Family Homes
- 0-$100k: 2 sales; New Orleans East & Holy Cross
- $100-$200k: 11 sales; The East & Algiers tied it up
- $200-$300k: 6 sales; Gentilly had the majority – half the amount of sales from September 2023
- $300-$400k: 4 sales; different neighborhoods and more than half of the sales as last year
- $400-$500k: 7 sales; the winner was Lakeview
- $500-$750k: 2 sales; Fairgounds and Audubon
- $750k-$1M: no sales
- $1M & Up: no sales
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