Oh, New Orleans. She’s that old friend that has a few issues, but you still really freaking love her. Yeah, she’s boisterous, and messy, and might cause a few fights when you’re out. It doesn’t matter though. She’s your girl and you’re going to defend her.
The one thing we may want for this old friend is to maybe think about a few New Year’s resolutions. Just write it on a piece of paper and stick it in her mailbox. Let her mull it over and hope that some of it sticks.
Here are a few of the New Years’ resolutions that we are hoping your old gal pal takes note of in 2018.
“Wheelchair accessible sidewalks.” – Donna O.
Hey, Donna, we agree with you. I know I’m tired of driving around people who have to use the street instead of the sidewalk.
“Consistent & accurate use of turn signals.” – Forrest C.
Forrest, you’re hilarious. That’s NEVER going to happen. I appreciate your optimism though.
“Enforce littering fines.” – Guy J.
Dude. I’m with you. Fellow New Orleanians, take note. Quit throwing your trash out of your car window or on the ground. I swear we have trash cans!
“Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks.” – Brigette E.
This is what we all took driver’s ed for, people. Pedestrians have the right of way. Didn’t the 6-10 Stompers do a whole campaign on this to reeducate you folks? C’mon man!
“Education!” – Crista R.
Yeah, girl. I think that is one thing we can all agree about. My two cents – start offering real trade skills in high school. Not all kids are college-bound.
“New Orleans should resolve to not start another road construction project until they have completed one first.” – Kris S.
FOR. REAL. I’m under the current theory that Louisiana Avenue will be finished in 2030.
“Legalize marijuana. Instant income.” -Megan B.
I’m gonna guess that our new mayor would be on board. Remember that scandal with her husband?
“In the New Year, may New Orleans fill as many potholes as Sewage & Water Board creates.” – Rachel F.
And lastly, my personal favorite, “And may New Orleans treat its tax-paying citizens with at least as much concern as its Air BnBing tourists.”
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