Regarding home buying and selling, you might be shocked to know the number of conversations real estate agents have about drapes. The number of real estate agents who don’t realize this is already addressed in your Louisiana Residential Agreement to Buy or Sell is also surprising. Buyers and sellers want to keep the window treatments – but who gets the curtains?
What does the contract say?
The contract you sign when making an offer (or the contract presented to you as the seller) states that: “all window coverings included but not limited to blinds, drapes, curtains, window shades, window coverings, all associated window covering hardware…”
That’s right – the curtains should STAY with the house.
But I love those curtains!
There are a variety of reasons that home sellers want to keep the curtains. (they match the bedspread, it’s their child’s favorite superhero, etc.)
How can the seller keep the curtains after the sale? They should let their agent know BEFORE listing their home that the curtains will not remain with the house. Your real estate agent can then offer this info in the secret agent remarks of your MLS listing. Also, when receiving an offer, make sure that it’s specified that the curtains are not part of the sale.
Take them down
If you’re a home seller wanting to keep your curtains, we highly recommend taking them down ahead of time and installing new ones. You don’t have to spend a fortune on them either. Head to Target and grab a cheap set to have SOMETHING covering your windows.
Last thoughts for sellers
If you also want the curtain rods with your curtains, please note that not only should you state that ahead of time, but you will need to patch and paint any holes left by the curtain rods. You can’t just rip it all out and leave the new homeowner with a mess.
Last thoughts for buyers
You’re buying the house, not the curtains. If the sellers are adamant about taking them – let live and let go. You can purchase curtains that match YOUR stuff!
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