I know many people out there think real estate agents just put a sign in the yard and wait for buyers to show up. While some agents may do that, a good REALTOR® knows there is way more to selling your home than that. Let’s discuss the worst times of the year to sell your home – in New Orleans!
#1: Labor Day / Memorial Day / 4th of July
Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July are holidays that result in people fleeing town! While half of the city heads to Gulf Shores, it’s not the best time to put your home on the market.
Our recommendation: Wait at least a week after these holidays to list your house for sale. It will result in more potential buyers being around!
#2: Mardi Gras
Listing your home during Mardi Gras is almost a kiss of death. During Carnival season there are too many distractions and it has buyers leaving purchase plans on the back burner. Also, it’s very difficult to show the property during these two main weeks. Traffic, party planning, or leaving town are some of the many reasons buyers have told us they would just rather wait.
What we suggest: List your house TWO weeks after Mardi Gras.
#3: Between Christmas & the New Year
Y’all. We have sold homes during the holidays. However, that week leading up to Christmas until after the New Year – it’s dead out there. People are spending time with family, traveling, and doing anything except buying homes!
Our thoughts: Just wait till after the New Year. Like, wait a couple of weeks. We see so many houses listed during this time that start adding up their days on the market when it wasn’t necessary.
#4: August
You know how you hear about Europeans taking the summer off. That’s New Orleanians in August. It’s sweltering hot and everyone is taking those last vacations before school starts! There aren’t a ton of buyers in town and it’s worth waiting to list your home.
What we think: 3rd week of September is that sweet spot. Wait till then!
Ready to sell your home? Message us!
How to Prep for House Photos