Category: New Orleans Home Buying

Why small houses are better

  As a person who lives in 860 square feet with another human and two dogs, I might be a tad biased regarding smaller homes. Seeing the reactions, I receive when mentioning my home size is fascinating. Often, I get replies like “how do you do it, or where do you put all your things?”… Read more »


FOMO & Home Buying

  Home buyers tend to feel overwhelming pressure or anxiety when it comes time to pick a house. Whether they are scared of making the wrong decision or that something better will come along, FOMO pops up for many buyers. Let’s unpack what many of our buyers have experienced and their FOMO situations.     … Read more »


Favorite New Orleans Mortgage Lenders

  Team Be New Orleans helps about 100 people and families buy and sell homes annually. With this kind of experience, we have seen some amazing mortgage lenders. We have also seen some… not-so-great ones. Let’s focus on the positive and share some of our absolute favorite mortgage lenders in the New Orleans area!  … Read more »