Category: New Orleans Home Buying

Closing Costs & How it’s Used

  Closing Costs. This is a word that you may hear as a buyer and have no clue what it even is! To break it down quickly, closing costs are the additional fees or expenses you incur while purchasing a home. This includes homeowners insurance, flood insurance, property taxes, lender fees, title company fees, and… Read more »


What are discount points?

  With interest rates higher than they have been in some time, many homebuyers are using discount points these days. What are discount points? Here’s a quick rundown!    What are discount points? In order to lower your interest rate, you pay an upfront fee called “points” or “discount points.”  Current day (as of July… Read more »


What’s Happening in the Real Estate Market? June 2022

  Real estate was a flurry of activity from June 2020 to the spring of 2022. Bidding wars, waiving appraisals, offering the sellers our firstborn all to get an accepted offer. It has been absolute insanity for 2 years now. SCREEEEECH!!! The record player just came to a halt and the New Orleans real estate… Read more »


How to Pick a Buyer’s Agent

  We have said it repeatedly – not all agents are the same. Picking a buyer’s agent should not be done lightly. The difference in service and skills can make or break your entire transaction. (And it could be a rough 30-45 days during the deal if your agent isn’t on top of things!)  … Read more »